There is so much advice out there about the best way to market your products or services, but the truth is, the perfect strategy looks different for every business. For those companies without a large, dedicated marketing team, an enormous marketing budget, or fewer than 25 hours in every day, let’s trim the fat and tackle some strategies you can begin using this second to significantly boost business. These are three digital marketing actions to take today. If nothing else, you should be able to check these off your list now.

#1 Automate Your Emailing

If you’re lucky enough to be in email communication with a prospective client or customer, you are light years closer to closing the deal than if you weren’t. Now to really leverage your email list, you want to create an automated email marketing sequence.

Automated email sequences consist of several messages that go out to users once they’re added to your list. Using email marketing automation allows you to communicate with your prospect and build your relationship with them, displaying your authority in your niche and conveying your value.

The key with email marketing, especially when automated, is to be authentic and transparent. Your goal should never be to sell anything, but rather to help your prospects by sharing useful information that solves their problems.

The beauty of automated email marketing sequences is that you can test what works and what doesn’t. You’ll be able to segment your list to more effectively refine your messaging and split test subject lines and body content.

Dollar for dollar, no single form of marketing is as effective email marketing. Get on it today!

#2 Leverage Social Media

Some businesses can thrive on the backs of social media alone. Others in many industries will be hard to pressed to ever make an actual sale directly from social media. But no matter what kind of business you have, it will always help to make yourself available through social media.

People see businesses on social media as more human, more transparent, and more relatable. It gives your prospects the access they need to trust you enough with their business.

And it doesn’t have to be time consuming. Anytime you find yourself reading something online that relates to your industry and may be useful for your customers, post it on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and any other social networks your customers might be using. They may just hit you back with a response, starting a potentially fruitful conversation.

#3 Remarket, Remarket, Remarket!

We’ve all heard that it takes an average of seven exposures to your business before someone feels comfortable enough to trust you enough to buy. Remarketing is the best and easiest way to stay at the forefront of their minds.

You can use simple programs through Facebook or Google Ads, for example, to put yourself in front of anyone who has already visited your company website. You’ll have the ability to track key demographics that’ll give you more powerful targeting capabilities.

And best of all, your conversions will skyrocket when you present yourself with targeted follow up messaging that is tailored to your prospect’s unique journey through the sales cycle. Remarketing is not difficult once set up. If you need our help, don’t hesitate to reach out. Once you’re good to go, let automation take care of your marketing for you!